Board of Directors
Additional Information
- Save as disclosed below, none of the Directors has any family relationship with and is not related to any director and/or major shareholder of SD Guthrie, nor has any personal pecuniary interest in any business arrangement involving the Company:
- (i) The nominee Directors of Permodalan Nasional Berhad are as follows:
- Tan Sri Dr Nik Norzrul Thani Nik Hassan Thani;
- Dato' Mohd Nizam Zainordin; and
- Mohd Irwan Ahmad Mustafa.
- (i) The nominee Directors of Permodalan Nasional Berhad are as follows:
- None of the Directors has any conviction for offences within the past five years, nor public sanctions or penalties imposed by the relevant regulatory authorities during the financial year other than traffic offences, if any.
- Save as disclosed below, none of the Directors has any conflict of interest with SD Guthrie:
- (i) Datuk Mohd Anwar Yahya by virtue of his indirect interest in Mizou Holdings Sdn Bhd, which is a vendor of SD Guthrie and his position as a Director of Public Islamic Bank Berhad, which is one of the financiers of SD Guthrie:
- (ii) Dato' Idris Kechot by virtue of his position as the Chairman and Director of Kumpulan Fima Berhad, which is a vendor of and in the same business sector as SD Guthrie:
- (iii) Jenifer Thien by virtue of her position as Director of Olam Agri Holdings Limited, which is in the same business sector as SD Guthrie:
- None of the Directors hold more than five directorships in listed issuers.
- The details of Directors’ attendance at Board Meetings held in the financial year ended 31 December 2023 are set out in the Corporate Governance Overview Statement on pages 103 to 111.
Group Leadership Council
Operations Leadership Team (OLT)
Chief Executive Officer,
Upstream Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands
Member of OLT