(i) PT Mitral Austral Sejahtera (PT MAS)
Please be informed that as at 25 June 2019, PT MAS has ceased to be a subsidiary of SDP as we have effectively disposed our interest in the company to PT Inti Nusa Sejahtera. We kindly request the amendment of ‘Table 4: Oil Palm Concessions Sealed by KLHK August to October 2019’ as attached in your letter to reflect this.
(ii) PT Sime Indo Agro (PT SIA)
Please refer to our previous statement on PT SIA at the following link: https://www.sdguthrie.com/media/press-releases/statement-pt-sime-indo-agro-pt-sia
We can confirm that an area occupied by the local communities where fire has occurred, which is outside of the operational area of PT SIA, has been sealed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to prohibit further activity pending completion of investigation.
(iii) Hotspot Data
Hotspot monitoring of our global concession areas via satellite data is a well-established practice in SDP. Utilising data from MODIS, VIIRS and NOAA, we monitor hotspot occurrence up to 5km outside the boundary of our concession areas in Indonesia before conducting further desktop validation and on-site investigation. We believe it is not only important to determine whether or not fire incidents actually occur within or outside of our concession areas, but to also investigate the cause of the fire incidents.
SDP’s hotspot data, together with our report on the number of actual fire incidents that occur within or outside of our global concession areas and the cause of these fire incidents based on our investigation, can viewed by the public using SDP’s Hotspots Dashboard available at our website – www.simedarbyplantation.com.
We welcome Greenpeace to peruse the data presented in our Hotspots Dashboard. We also look forward to understand the basis and evidence upon which Greenpeace produces the hotspot data that will be presented in its upcoming report.